Antioch on the Orontes

Antioch on the Orontes

The church that is going to be effective in the world is going to:

  1. Be Spirit controlled. 

  2. Be Saturated in the Word of God

  3. Be led by Spiritual men

  4. Have Spiritual priority of the Word and prayer

  5. Offer Sacrifices to God

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As we look at the church at Antioch, we find a blueprint for the church that reaches the world. And really that’s what every church should have as its goal, as its desire, to reach out to share Christ with the world around.

Beginning in 13 is the Gentile church, the pagan church, the church that reaches the world. So it’s a great break that comes between 12 and 13. Paul takes over and the Gentiles move in and the church becomes in 13 what it was designed to be in the mind of God all along, a combination of Jew and Gentile in one body. Up until this time the Jewish character of the church has dominated, but now Jewishness fades. It still will appear from time to time, but it is not that same dominate theme that it was in the early chapters.

This church in Antioch was founded in teaching. It had a solid basis. Then from that solid basis it began to move out into the world. they not only had a great start, and a great progress, and a great effect, they had a great attitude. The one pervading attitude of a good church is an attitude of love, and they gave it in verse 27 through 30. It simply says they sent an offering to the saints in Jerusalem who had some needs during a famine. So here was a church that got off on the right foot. Two ingredients: Love and sound doctrine. And they had an effect on the world.

Short Video (with music)
From Antioch to Seleucia